1) American Idol: I'd never seen the show before this season, but Carrie got me into it. Now I love it - Tuesdays and Wednesday at 7 pm CST is a magical time these days. I think a big part of it is the resemblance to group therapy - honest feedback, vulnerability, etc.
2) Einstein Bros. Bagels: I got addicted to the Good Grains bagel with Honey Almond cream cheese over the past month or so. Add some Vanilla Hazelnut coffee and you're set for a good day. I recently procured a french press so that I could make it myself in the office instead of having to stop every morning.
3) Subway's Tuna sandwiches: Nine-grain wheat, provolone cheese, spinach, tomatoes, onions, and some jalapenos. I ate this three times last week.
4) Half-marathon training: I started training again this week for the Ft. Collins Marathon's half and remembered again how much I love listening to music and breathing fresh air. We've been working out in the gym all winter, and getting outside has been fantastic.
5) Rock Band (2): We got Rock Band back in December and have since rocked ourselves silly on numerous occasions. It's great as a social lubricator. Favorite songs - Carrie: Hungry Like the Wolf; Me: Ramblin' Man.
That's it for now. Hopefully back again soon with more!